

Chmura to nie tylko elastyczne koszty i wysoka skalowalność. To również nowa płaszczyzna podatności i cyberzagrożeń. Oparta o parametry kontrola dostępu, gradacja przywilejów i polityki ochrony danych zredukują podatność na ataki i zakłócenia dostępności.
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Data classification allows you to control data security defining rules and principles to be consistently and easily enforced. In addition, it also enhances effectiveness of security and management systems by adding new levels of intelligence to prevent data loss and archiving. All of this to increase return on your data protection investment.
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Nowadays, you always have to consider the protection of customer and employees personal data. Additional security challenge for almost every organization data leakages caused by human error, lost laptops and misplaced USB devices. So how to properly ensure data security?
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Nowadays e-mail is one of the most important business tools used in any company, regardless of its size and number of users. Unfortunately, it is also the most popular way of spreading malware and a channel used by cybercriminals to attack their victims.
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Urządzenia mobilne to dla wielu pracowników główne urządzenia komunikacji i wymiany danych. Z tego powodu są one narażone zarówno na ataki jak i nadużycia. Dlatego warto zainwestować w rozwiązania typu Mobile Security, które pozwolą je ochronić.
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Today, everyone has access to the web from virtually everywhere thanks to laptops, tablets and smartphones. Therefore, control over who and under what conditions has access to your network is crucial.
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Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, security monitoring and management systems allow for quick detection of attacks and can present detailed threat analysis. Machine learning-based systems are able to identify, track and evaluate any device with access to an IP network in real time.
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Security breaches resulting from the abuse of privileged accounts can be catastrophic for your data. And it does not matter whether it is an administrator's error or deliberate action to disrupt of the enterprise.
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Nowadays, you always have to consider the protection of customer and employees personal data. Additional security challenge for almost every organization data leakages caused by human error, lost laptops and misplaced USB devices. So how to properly ensure data security?
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